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How to Restore Default Theme Samsung Galaxy 2022

This guide will you how to restore the default theme on a Samsung Galaxy S10 .

If the theme is changed on a Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphone and does not work for the user, it is quick and easy to restore back to the default theme.

If you have the wrong wallpaper or theme loaded, below are the steps to change it back to the original one that came with the phone when new.

- From your Samsung Galaxy S10, go to Settings and click it. (Gear Icon)

- From Settings, click where it says Wallpaper and Theme.

- Select Theme Option

- From the top of your screen, Pull down the menu.

- After you select the menu, select the default theme

- It will pop up with the message. Some apps may close, and unsaved data may be lost. Click where it says Apply.

- The phone will now be on the default theme

There are multiple themes that can be chosen, including the default one.

Other themes can be tested, and if it does not work or look good can be changed back to default.